Associates in Mental Health & Addiction Services in Winona, MN, cares about you and your mental health. We offer treatment options for adolescents and adults for all mental health disorders, including: depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, behavioral disorders, PTSD, addiction, medication weight loss management, medical marijuana and more. 

(507) 452-5206 (949) 561 -4506

Addiction Services

Recovering from addiction is a lifelong process, but sobriety is possible and sustainable and Real! Don’t lose hope. If you need help fighting addiction on any scale. No matter what the specifics of your addiction are, we can and will help you get and stay clean. Take that first step and call today!

  • Addiction Services
  • Anxiety & Depression Treatment,Bipolar,Schizophrenia and all other behavioral disorders treated
  • Eating Disorder Treatment
  • Weight Loss Management
  • Medical Marijuana, must be MN resident and meet criteria. 
  • Adolescent Mental Health and behavior disorders.
  • Quick access to Mental Health Therapists on Site!
  • Chemical Dependency Evaluations
  • Diagnostic Assessments

Mental Health Treatment

From depression to anxiety to bipolar disorder and more, Associates in Mental Health & Addiction Services can help with the treatments and monitoring of mental health disorders. We will work with you one-on-one to diagnose and determine the best treatment that aligns with your beliefs, comfort, and needs. Whether that treatment includes medication and/or therapy is ultimately up to you, and we’ll never force you into something you don’t want. That is our promise to you!

Weight Loss Management & Eating Disorders

If you’re unsatisfied with your current weight or are currently dealing with disordered eating habits that are affecting your quality of life, our team can help. We offer carefully monitored weight loss management programs to help you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. We also offer treatment for eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. 


From eating disorders to depression to addiction treatment, our caring staff at Associates in Mental Health & Addiction Services are dedicated to your mental health treatment. No matter what you’re suffering from or on what scale, we promise complete support in improving your mental health, including treatment, recovery, and so much more. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

(507) 452-5206
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